
Hello World!

I had completely forgotten about this domain until recently. The old site on this domain was so hideous, I just had to remake it.

If you hadn't seen the old version of this site, you should feel lucky. It was my first forey into web development, and it was a mess. I had no idea what I was doing and it showed. I'm not saying I'm an expert now, but I'm definitely better than I was.


Landing page of the old site

So, what's new with the current site? Well, for starters, it's a lot cleaner. Built with Next.js and Tailwind CSS, the old site was using Gatsby which is borderline abandonware at this point. I've also cobbled together a cool CRT effect, I think it looks pretty neat and adds some character to the site. You can also disable this effect from the header if you don't like it (It is the little screen icon next to my github page).

The individual blog posts are written in MDX. The site still supports Unity WebGL builds and custom React components. I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Here is the old Unity demo I had on the old site (Please note the funky old-timey progressbar):

I've improved almost all other functionality as well. The site is now also written in TypeScript. I've gotten quiet comfortable using it after making that mod for Binding of Isaac but that's a whole different story.

One thing that I didn't carry over from the old site was the ThreeJS. If I see the need for it, I'll add it back in.

So, That's it. I've moved the old blog posts to this site as well. And I am not sure how often I'll be posting, but I'll try to keep it regular. I have a few ideas for some posts, so stay tuned!

Oh, and if you want to see the old site, you can still access it here. It's not going anywhere.